Weather in Gander

Currently in Gander, NL

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Page Title 5-Day Weather Forecast

Daily Weather Forecast

Climate Information

Gander experiences four distinct seasons. Winters are generally snowy with mixed precipitation. It is not uncommon to get snow, ice pellets, freezing rain, and rain in a single storm. Strong winds typically accompany winter storms but strong winds are prevalent throughout the year.

Spring is not always early to arrive. Temperatures begin to moderate around April. By June warm weather typically makes an appearance but warm weather can be late to arrive depending on what's known locally as "capelin weather" a period of foggy, wet, and sometimes cold weather.

Summers are warm and while precipitation is still prevalent, it is the driest months. High temperatures in July and August average 20 degrees. 

By September the weather starts to cool. Warm ocean water sometimes allows for hurricanes from the tropics to survive and track northward and Newfoundland has been hit by several hurricanes.

From October to December, it becomes increasingly colder and nor'easters are not uncommon in these months, just as snow is not unheard of.
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